Ok, had to have some fun there, in all seriousness I do know from
experience that exercise is one of the best forms of treatment for my
illnesses. The fresh air can bring my
most chaotic thoughts together into one place, if only for a short time. In November of last year, we took a seven-day trip to
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida; it was a week of relaxation, side trips and sun,
but more importantly my morning walks on the beach as the sun came up were what
sold me on the need for exercise and it's continued practice.
I woke up each morning at 6am and walked the two blocks to the beach,
while there were many people on the boardwalk, no one was on the beach; I was
by myself. I stood at the water’s edge
and watched the sunrise. There are not
enough words to express the feeling of calm, peace and release you find
watching the sunrise over the Atlantic.
I had my camera with me and took many shots of the tide coming in, the
slow rise of the sun, the sea gulls overhead and for nearly an hour would just
walk letting the water wash over my feet.
I could have stayed there forever, for those moments nothing mattered.
Now, coming back to Pennsylvania after a week in Florida is hard
enough, add the near record breaking snow fall we had and bitter cold it is
safe to say I have not gotten out much since our return, and I can feel the
difference. The lack of exercise has, at
least for me, a direct connection to how I feel and act. I read an article recently titled, "How the outdoors boosts our mental health," that touched on
this relation between the outdoors and mental health, it mentions, “Even if you
don’t have hours to spend outside, taking 15 minutes to step outside and take a
few deep breaths can greatly help clear your mind and relax your body. Being in
the sunshine, even if only for a few minutes, helps the body absorb vitamin D
from the sun, which is known to improve the mind.” Also mentioned was the article, "Fresh Air is Good for Your Mental Health."
I believe this wholeheartedly, I am a wanderer by nature and for me to
be surrounded by trees, water, or nature in general opens my mind up and
releases some of what holds me back. I
can’t wait for Spring, the calendar says it has arrived, Mother Nature,
however, has yet to receive the memo.
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