But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one….”
John Lennon sang these words with
other ideas in mind, but to me, this chorus says what I try to say and believe
each day. Someday we will live as one,
those with mental illness will not be on the outside looking in, but integrated
into society as “normal people.”
Imagine if…... we looked at everyone
as we did a new-born child, innocent and
perfect. We cannot fathom what they will
become as they grow, but it doesn’t matter at that time; why should it matter
as they get older? We are who we are
meant to be when we are born it is the world that changes us as we grow.
Imagine if…..we knew exactly how
many people we associated with each day that lived with a mental illness, or
had a member of their family suffering from a mental illness, would you be
surprised? Would you run away and not
speak with them again? Unfortunately,
many would for fear of “catching what
they had.” Sadly, there was a time this
was common, and I am afraid still exists for many people.
Imagine if…..we knew that people who
contemplate suicide do not really want to die, but instead are crying for
attention, for someone to listen to them; even for a minute. They do not die from suicide; they actually
die from sadness, hopelessness and despair.
Imagine if…..we opened our hearts to
everyone, didn’t criticize, stigmatize or place blame on any one person because
of an illness.
This illness, at its very worst, takes your
soul away, your life, dreams and hopes for the future. Just imagine if we could make it better for
future generations that will face the madness that occurs in our minds
now. There is so much to think about, to
consider and to change that the mere idea is overwhelming; however, I think it
is time for it to happen. Too many
people are hurting and begging for someone to hear them; many do not have the
strength to speak for themselves; someone else needs to.
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